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History of
The White House on Warren


The house at 71 Warren Street has a unique and diverse history dating back to at least 1853!

With more than 170+ years of history, several previous owners, and various commercial businesses over the years, 71 Warren Street has earned its reputation in historic, downtown Tunkhannock.

Previous owners of the land/71 Warren Street House include:

Ann Fell Dennis Slocum & Thomas Truxton Slocum

Alexander H. Bolles & Mahala Bolles

Sherman D. Phelps

Deemer Bidleman

Harry T. Bidleman & Nellie Bidleman

George W. Bidleman

John Townsend & Margaret R. Lehn

Agnes A. Furman, Vern L. Furman, Helen Purcell, John Purcell, Florence Townsend

George & Kathryn Young

Sidney I. & Joan Daniels

Jon & Denise Ebersole

Since purchasing the property in August of 2022, Jon and Denise Ebersole have been lovingly preserving this historic home under the direction of contractor, Jeramie S. Cannella. After 10 months of hard work, the house has been saved, restored, and made available as The White House on Warren for guests to enjoy!


We will continue to compile the history of the home and would appreciate it if you would share any photos, stories, or memories you have of the property.

 Please reach out to us if you have anything to share or add to our collection!


Jon & Denise Ebersole

Photo-Tunkhannock (dirt streets).jpeg

Tunkhannock, PA

Photo-View of Warren from Tioga (WHICH BUILDING IS Bidleman's shop_).jpeg

(On the Left)

old photo of our house from mary gabriel.jpeg
Photo-View of Warren from Tioga (WHICH BUILDING IS Bidleman's shop_).jpeg
Photo-Tunkhannock with DIRT STREETS.jpeg

More photos of
Tunkhannock, PA
coming soon!

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